Terms and Conditions 服務條款 image
TEL 電話號碼︰(852) 2790 5518
FAX 傳真號碼︰(852) 2790 2768

  • 所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認。倘若未能提供任何已訂購之產品或服務,本公司有權拒絕接受該訂單。倘若我們無法提供閣下訂單上的任何產品或服務,我們會於交貨前透過電話或電郵通知閣下。
  • 如收貨人士未能於約定時間內收取已訂購之貨品,本公司將保留權利向該顧客收取額外的送貨費用。
  • 當八號烈風懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時,送貨服務時間或會暫停,我們將會聯絡顧客並更改送貨日期。
  • All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd reserves the right to reject the order in the event that any of the products requested are unavailable. In the event that we are unable to fulfill any of the products in your order, we will notify you by phone or email before delivery.
  • We reserve the right to charge an additional delivery fee if the recipient is not available to accept delivery at the nominated delivery time.
  • Delivery service will be suspended when typhoon signal No.8 or above or a black rain warning is hoisted. In this event customers will be contacted to re-schedule delivery time.

  • 所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認,倘若 大豐聯達有限公司未能提供任何已訂購之產品或服務,我們有權拒絕接受該訂單。
  • 倘若我們未能提供閣下於訂單上的任何產品,我們會在送貨前透過電話、電郵或傳真通知閣下。
  • 客戶如在收貨時發現貨品有損壞、缺貨、錯貨等等,敬請通知我們的銷售人員,本公司將立刻跟進及處理問題貨品。
  • 鑑於送貨單 / 發票為本公司與客戶之間的交易憑證,為減低因單據問題而引致收款延誤,敬請貴 客戶於送貨單 / 發票上劃去沒有收妥的貨品。
  • 我們將竭盡所能,如期送貨至指定地點,敬請顧客在指定時間內點簽貨品。大豐聯達有限公司 對交貨後的損壞/丟失貨物之任何索賠概不負責。
  • All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd reserves the right to reject the order in the event that any of the products or services requested are unavailable.
  • Prior notice will be given for any unfulfilled orders via phone, email or fax by our sales team.
  • If you found any problems, including damage, short-ship, or wrong goods delivered, our sales team will follow up immediately.
  • Invoice / Delivery Notes are official documents used for acknowledgement of goods receiving. Please sign with company chop and return to our delivery. Should there be any discrepancy, please cross out the problem items. We will base on the signed invoice / delivery note to send our monthly statement accordingly.
  • All deliveries should be acknowledged receipt immediately on delivery. Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd is not liable for any claim for damaged / loss goods after delivery.

貨 到 付 款 方 式 : 本公司會於訂貨當日下午以電話或傳真通知客戶所需繳付的金額。請將貨款於送貨前一日存入本公司的渣打銀行戶口,並將銀行收據交予我們的銷售員,或傳真至本公司︰2790 2768。收據上請註明貴 戶之商號名稱,或本公司的發票編號,以便有效跟進。
“大豐聯達有限公司” 渣打銀行戶口號碼:003 415-0048335-1
如未能繳交相應貨款之客戶,本公司將保留收回貨品之權利。如貴公司於下一個訂貨日仍未繳交逾期貨款,請恕本公司未能送出新訂的貨品予貴 客戶。
By Cash on delivery (COD) : Our order desk will inform you (by fax or phone) regarding the exact payment required for your order before delivery date. please bank-in into our Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd Account 1 day before delivery. The payment slip could be submitted to our salesperson, or fax to Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd (Fax No.: 2790 2768). “Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd ” Standard Chartered Bank Account No : 003 415-0048335-1
We reserves the right to collect back the goods when payment is not received. Any outstanding payment could affect your subsequent orders.

星期一 至 五 下午 3:00 前落單於翌工作日送達。
Monday to Friday cut off time: 15:00 for Next Business Day Delivery.
(If order placed after the cutoff time, or on weekends & public Holidays will be processed and delivers two business days later. It must be according to our daily delivery schedule)

逢 星期一 至 六 香港島、九龍區 及 新界區
Every Monday to Saturday: Hong Kong, Kowloon & New Territories Area
Delivery to remote areas and outlying islands might take longer time and incur additional charges, please contact us for enquiry and make an appointment in advance.
(Remote area includes: Hong Kong International Airport, Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, and HK Disney Land) Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us before submitting your order.

凡每個送貨地點惠顧滿指定金額 ,即可享用免費送貨服務。
送往偏遠地區和離島可能需要較長的運送時間;並可能須繳付額外運費或停車場費,請與我們聯絡査詢並提前預約送貨。 (偏遠地區範圍包括:香港國際機場,馬灣,愉景灣及香港迪士尼樂園) 如有任何疑問,請在下訂單前與我們聯絡以了解更多送貨詳情。
Order over a certain amount per each delivery point can enjoy free delivery service.
(If order placed after the cutoff time, or on weekends & public Holidays will be processed and delivers two business days later. It must be according to our daily delivery schedule)

凡每個送貨地點惠顧滿 HK$800 或以上,即可享用免費送貨服務。凡惠顧少於 HK$800,每個送貨地點須徵收 HK$80 送貨服務費
Order of HK$1,500 or above per each delivery point can enjoy free delivery service.
For order below HK$1,500, HK$150 per delivery point will be levied

Dai Fung (Asia) Co Ltd 大豐聯達有限公司 : Standard Chartered Bank Account 渣打銀行戶口號碼No : 003 415-0048335-1

退貨和退款政策 Return and refund policy:

【Defective and non-defective products 問題/正常貨品】
  • If you find the product damaged/incomplete packaging, quality issues, or missing/incorrect delivery after receiving the goods, you can apply for a return or exchange within 3 days of the delivery date, provided that you meet the following prerequisites: 如閣下於收貨後發現產品出現產品已損壞 / 包裝不完整、出現品質問題或遺漏或錯誤送遞產品,可於收貨日期的 3天 內向我們申請退貨或更換,惟閣下需符合下列先決條件;
  • Provide valid proof to request the return of the goods; 提供有效證明要求退貨物品的詳情;
  • Present valid documents/evidence proving the problematic product was purchased from Dai Fung Asia Co Ltd; 出示有效文件 / 證據證明有問題之產品於大豐聯達有限公司 購買;
  • The requested return goods must be unused and in the original sold condition; 要求退貨商品未經使用,並處於原先出售的狀態及未經使用;及
  • For Frozen food products, our company will make every effort to provide protective packaging, but there is still a possibility of damage during shipping due to external factors. If such issues occur, the customer needs to claim directly from the logistics company. If you cannot accept this, please do not place an order. 冷凍海鮮產品食品,本公司會盡力為產品作保護包裝,但寄送途中仍有機會因他人而導至產品受損,若導致以上問題發生,客人則需自行向運輸公司追討,如不接受請勿下單。
【Eligible for Return/Exchange 可供退換的貨品】
  • The received goods do not match the ordered goods, or the received goods are damaged. 收到的貨品與訂購貨品不相符 或 收到的貨品已損壞
【Not Eligible for Return/Exchange不接受退換的貨品】
  • Without the packaging box, label, and missing product contents (the returned items must be consistent with all accessories and packaging at the time of receipt) 無包裝盒、標牌、及貨品內容有缺 (退還時必須與收貨時所有配件及包裝一致)
  • Customer's personal reasons, such as ordering the wrong item, wrong color, or personal unsuitability 客人個人的原因,例如買錯貨,買錯顏色及個人不適用等
  • Damaged goods due to customer modification and usage 經客人修改過及使用後出現的受損貨品
  • Goods received more than 3 days ago收貨後超過 3天或以上的貨品
  • Some products have been marked as not providing a return service部分貨品已標明不提供退貨服務
  • Any damage caused during the shipping process 貨品因運送過程中的任何損毀
CONTACT 通过网站聯繫我們 or
Tel +852-2790 5518
Fax +852 2790 2768
Email : salesadmin@daifungasia.com