Headquartered (
TFI Foods 大豐國際) in Toronto incorporated in 1977, along with our branches in Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal, we have established processing facility with HACCP approved in oversea. TFI Foods is committed to adopt a high standard on food safety, in order to offer best quality seafood and specialty products to our food services customers and consumers.
大豐聯達有限公司 - 公司總部 (
TFI Foods 大豐國際) 設於多倫多成立於1977年,並在溫哥華、卡加利和滿地可設有分公司。海外亦自設食品加工處理設施,均獲得HACCP認可,並承諾以嚴謹的標準確保食品安全,致力為餐飲業客戶和大眾提供優質的海鮮產品及各地的特色美食。
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